Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cricket will go on...

I just found the below paragraph in my drafts which was saved in February 2010:
"The two top test teams fighting for not only a test match but the series along with their ranks in stake. India finally managed to draw the series against SA by winning the second Test @ Eden Garden by an innings and 57 runs after loosing the first one by an innings and 6 runs and stayed at the top."

4 years, and so many things changed, except the rankings. Both teams played with each other yet again last month. This time South Africa managed to be the better team by winning the second match convincingly, post the nail biting draw in the previous Test match.

One common thing for both the teams is that their batting legends, highest Test run scorrer from their country, will never play again in a test match for the country. This was last test match for the best all rounder of this era and the master blaster has already taken the most difficult decision of his life.

Nevertheless cricket will go on as life goes on.